Live Videos


“HYPEBEAST SOUNDS” Live:獨立民謠唱作人 Gwenji

A full band live session done with HYPEBEAST featuring three originals : Haze, Give it up and Conquer.

Gwenji - Die in me | The Moving Session |

A walk-and-play-along session done with Nowhere To Go, featuring me playing one of my songs, Die in Me, while walking down a slope in Sheung Wan area of HK.

Conquer - Gwenji | Kitata Aabaak Sweetspot Session

A singing-to-myself session filmed by Kitata Aabaak, featuring me singing Conquer and playing a Gomans guitar. 

Gwenji - Jaja|拍一

An acoustic session filmed by Partone in an attic of an abandoned house.